Mumbai (PTI): The Maharashtra government on Saturday announced financial assistance of Rs 10 crore towards relief efforts in flood-ravaged Bihar. The decision was taken at a meeting presided over by Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh in Mantralaya here. Along with the financial help, tarpaulins, medicine and milk powder would also be rushed to Bihar, Deshmukh said. He also directed Chief Secretary Johny Joseph to speak to his Bihar counterpart and check other ways in which Maharashtra could be of assistance to the northern state. Deshmukh asked Mumbai Municipal Commissioner Jairaj Phatak to send additional municipal commissioner R A Rajeev, who hails from Patna, to undertake a survey of the affected areas. Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav spoke to Deshmukh last night and has also written a letter to him, seeking assistance from Maharashtra towards flood relief, a senior official said. |